Awaken your inner experience through solo cello music amplified by mediation. Cellist and meditation teacher David Eby (of Pink Martini and The Bodhi Trio), performs beautifully inspired pieces by Bach, Eby, Kriyananda, Yogananda, and Arvo Part, and offers guided meditations to dive deeply into your own genuine experience of the Divine within.
Inspired Music – a Pathway to Higher Consciousness
I love the clean slate of January: a chance to set intentions and renew my sense of purpose. Fueled with energy to change the “old” by bringing in the “new,” I’m ready to clarify, expand, and uplift. For me, 2019 will
A Call to Arms for Musicians of Light

I grew up in Pittsburgh. Yesterday’s attack hit me hard. My weekly cello lessons with Michael Lipman took place just blocks away from the synagogue. Again the question arises: what can I do in response? Last night at the Oregon Symphony,
Musical Shifts of Consciousness
Last night I hosted a screening of a beloved movie, after which I experienced what is commonly called a “shift in consciousness”. I felt deep joy and connectedness, and my mind rose above worries for the future. All I wanted
Courageous Peace
I longed for a lasting experience of Peace. I found it in nature: at the coast and on the lakes, in mountains and forests. I found Peace in slow movements of Brahms’ Second Piano Concerto and Ravel’s Piano Concerto for
The Concerto that Transformed my Meditation
Last Sunday I had the tremendous honor of performing the first movement of Beethoven’s Triple Concerto with my Bodhi Trio and the Pacific University orchestra. When I perform repertoire I’ve known for decades, it’s easy to let the fingers do
Discoveries from the Heart of Yoga, Music and Meditation
Last weekend I helped design and lead a workshop that combined yoga and a live music experience for the Northwest Yoga Conference. Using music in yoga classes is nothing new, but we decided to offer live music not as background,
Walking the Fine Line

As a public school employee, I have to be careful about how I introduce meditation in the classroom. Thankfully, mindfulness practices have been accepted into public education by focusing on improving awareness and paying attention, bypassing religious dogmas and debates. But
If Music is Your Religion, Here’s How to Worship
Think of one of your most amazing musical experiences—a concert, rehearsal or your private practice—and you’ll soon realize that music brought you into some form of bliss. Wherever it happened, you likely felt an awakening of energy, a presence, expanded
4th of 10 Obvious Inaudibles: Willingness
What I’m most ashamed of: Sitting in a cello lesson with a guest teacher, being completely unwilling to try any of his suggestions. “See!” I inwardly seethed, “that doesn’t work for me!” The lesson was a total waste, and I certainly didn’t