Stop the Reactive, Engage the Responsive

The first major benefit I noticed when I began meditating 22 years ago was that I started making progress much faster. I thought it was magic! But it turns out that as we meditate, we awaken the prefrontal lobes of

Lessons from 10,000 ft

Lessons from 10,000 ft

Last week my daughter and I backpacked in the wilderness of Yosemite, hiking 24+ miles over 5 days. This was no “stick to the trail” trip, as I was with friends who had found their own routes from lake to lake over

Courageous Peace

I longed for a lasting experience of Peace. I found it in nature: at the coast and on the lakes, in mountains and forests. I found Peace in slow movements of Brahms’ Second Piano Concerto and Ravel’s Piano Concerto for

The Terrifying Aspect of Willingness

The Terrifying Aspect of Willingness

Just this past week I’ve had the opportunity to say YES to an opportunity that terrified me. It has been a long-standing practice of mine to say YES (within reason) to opportunities that arise, but this opportunity is a whole new

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