Shaming – what is your story?

Many of us have endured teachers and conductors (maybe even family and friends) who used subtle or overt shaming to motivate or change. If you feel brave enough to share, I’m gathering examples that perhaps were meant to be harmless,

Unwind the Past, Uncover the Future

I lay on the massage table, ready for change. Ever since I was a teenager, my right thumb has given me problems while holding the bow, and 2 weeks ago I finally put it together – I broke my right

Becoming Tough

Becoming Tough

I have always had difficulty relating to the word tough. As a boy full of sensitive feelings, I never gravitated to fighting or dangerous stunts. The risk of hurt was not worth the effort to be daring with my body

My Anxiety and the Gift of Dissonance

My Anxiety and the Gift of Dissonance

Hi. My name is David. I’ve been meditating for 25 years, and I have anxiety. The low-level, disguisable, hide-it-behind-my-ego anxiety that slowly eats away at well-being. Background radio static in my energy that subtly influences my words and actions. When

Sound Journey at Princeton

This was one of the most fulfilling performances of my life. Ruth is an exquisite musician whose spirit soars through her voice. Such a joy to be in musical conversation in such a sacred space.

Back to Work!

Back to Work!

In the space of the next month, I will be performing onstage with the Oregon Symphony (Mahler Symphony No. 2! complete with masked chorus!), at Pacific University and The Old Church with Kevin Lefohn, the violinist from the Bodhi Trio,

Did my music help to heal her?

Did my music help to heal her?

Two nights ago, my Zoom window opened to an ICU unit in Hyderabad, India. A middle-aged woman lay on the bed, her breathing shallow and quick, eyes peacefully closed. Supplemental oxygen went into her nose, under sedation. She was to

A Sine from God

A Sine from God

A sine wave, that is! Happy New Year everyone!! I’m giving talks next weekend for the Recharge: Health Global Retreat, and have been preparing by researching more on the healing power of music. One of the most intriguing things I’ve

The Shift from Fear to Love in Music and Education

Musicians have lost jobs, performances, and the joy of ensemble. But now that everything has been taken away from us, what more do we have to fear? This moment is an amazing opportunity to shift the direction of music.

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