It’s time.

I’ve taken a break from writing for so many reasons, but now I’m back, strong, inspired, uplifted and ready for what’s next.

Adding my voice to the cacophony of these past few months seemed futile. I was unsure of what was needed to be said, or if anyone would want to listen.

Now I’m ready to share what I’ve found.

For the past 6 months I’ve been living alone, reexamining my life, my work, my relationships and my future. What I’ve found has been truly life altering.

I’ve found that I’m so much stronger than I realized. My body, my mind, and my heart can be reshaped depending on how and where I focus it. I’ve taken up running, and for the first time in my life, I have calves! Mentally, I have challenged countless old limiting beliefs, gaining confidence with each that I overcome. And my heart has gained access to a storehouse of power, love, and hope never before imagined.

These are times that will reshape the future. But immediately important is your future. Our future.

The future of music will be radically different, but here’s the surprise:

Live music will become a much more intimate experience, appreciated more by how much the musicians are willing to share, and less by technical brilliance. You see this more and more through vulnerable online performances. Immediately recognizable is the difference between showing off and sharing to uplift.

Will we as musicians be able to make a living from performing? Not this year. Some of us are faced with huge decisions. I pray that they be guided by divine insight, inner clarity and courage. You are not alone. You will know you are on the right track by the upliftment of energy within, a sense of freedom, of hope, of positive outcome.

I am blessed to still have a thriving cello studio to keep me busy, challenged, and deeply fulfilled. I am so grateful for my work, and for the immense progress they have made these past 3 months!

Now is the time for a shift in emphasis.

What is important to you? I’ve been asking that question of myself over and over this year.

My commitment now is to support my 15-year old daughter as she navigates through this uncharted territory herself. My commitment now is to claim the power within me to access my constant companions of inspiration and hope. My commitment is to share with all of you what I’ve found in hopes that it might make a difference.

I’m honored to be offering a Practice Room Meditations weekly class through Virtuosity Online, founded by my very good friend and Bodhi Trio violinist, Kevin Lefohn. We had a powerful first class, and I hope you’ll consider coming online for the rest. Please contact me for any financial assistance, freely offered.

I’m back. I’m here. I share.

New Beginnings
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